GACKT Celebrating Hyde's Birthday

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Source MusicJapan+
GACKT, who is recently busy with his new DVD, seems to be in a rush on his blog?! That day, on January 29thm despite the hurting muscels from his training, he went out to celebrate the birthday of L'Arc-en-Ciel's hyde...

[Yesterday, I had been out to celebrate the birthday of HYDE after a long time, and it had been just as long that I had seen his happy face like that...
Since I had been procrastinating to meet him for a long time already, it was a great feeling to see him happy like that.]

GACKT really seems to be happy about the "smiles on a friend's face"!

Moreover, during that birthday event, he also seems to have run into actor Hongo Kanata.

[He really seems to becoming a good man, now that he has just turned 19. He is really an earnest guy, and certainly interesting. Well, next year the two of us should have a drink together. Someone like him is pretty hard to find, theses days. Guys working this heard are rare. I have to work harder myself!!!!!]

It seems GACKT was screaming at himself to give his best!
So we should better expect alot of him, too.

Postat av: Nathalie

re: haha eller hur x]

Försöker muntra upp folk lite :P

För dte finns ju faktiskt dom som bryr sig jättemkt om alla hjärtans dag och då är det inget kul att vara singel ^^'

2010-02-12 @ 13:46:30
Postat av: Bobbo/Aurora Boris

Hej, vilken söt blogg du har gumman <3.

Lyssnar också på J-Rock (bl.a. The Gazette, Alice Nine m.m.)

Sv: Jag gjorde min header i Photoshop ;)

Kram, Bobbo.

2010-02-13 @ 19:47:27
Postat av: Liza

Gackt jobba hårdare? Går det ens?! Han som jobbar arslet av sig jämt verkar det som!

2010-02-16 @ 12:10:32
Postat av: mizunotsuki

naa ingen ro och ingen rast för gackt ^^gambatte gackt-sama!!!!!

gud var skit rädd i januari efter som det fanns risk att han skulle lägga av 2010!!!!!!! om han gör det så döör jag dööööööör!

2010-02-23 @ 21:21:08

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